AutoPot 1Pot XL
The 1Pot system is an easy-to-use self-watering hydroponic system used by beginners and experienced growers alike. It's versatile and extendable. It can hold plants of many types and sizes because the basic pot has a volume of 15L. The system is simple, self-watering and can be left unattended for extended time periods.
Systems by AutoPot don't need electricity, timers or pumps because they use simple gravity. They are used to grow crops of any size, be it a herb garden or a large commercial nursery. All the AutoPot systems use the AQUAvalve to regulate irrigation automatically. The AQUAvalve automatically opens when the tray is empty and lets it fill to the preset level. It doesn't lift again until the tray empties, allowing the plants to go through a naturally dry and wet cycle. The only maintenance necessary is cleaning the AQUAvalve and refilling water. AutoPot sells spare parts, so you can replace anything that breaks down.
The 1Pot system works best with a mix of clay pebbles (or perlite) and substrate (soil, coco, rock wool). Wash the clay pebbles before using them, as some don't have a stable pH level, which can impact growth.
The difference between the classic 1Pot system and the 1Pot XL system is the size and design of the pots. The 1Pot system uses 15l square pots and the 1Pot XL uses 25l pots with a round base.