AutoPot - Economic Hydroponic Systems for High Yields

AutoPot hydroponic systems are handy everywhere, from indoor growing tents to outdoor greenhouses and acres of commercial growing areas. In this article, we will introduce the individual product lines by the British manufacturer and explain how to use the full potential of the maintenance-free systems for growing herbs, fruit and vegetables. In our experience, the AutoPot hydroponic systems have the potential to exceed our customers' expectations. In short, AutoPot systems help growers achieve better yields with less effort.

Autopot onions

We know for a fact that AutoPoot systems lower water and fertiliser consumption by up to 50% while significantly improving the subsequent yields.

What do all the AutoPot irrigation systems have in common? It's definitely their ability to meet the demands of different plant species, resulting in healthy and steady growth. AutoPot systems based on the AQUAvalve technology are the only irrigation systems of their kind. Every single plant controls its own irrigation and gets fresh water filled with nutrients exactly when it needs it. And who would know better than the plants themselves?

Attention: The primary requirement of successfully using the AutoPot irrigation systems is adhering to the manufacturer's instruction manual (esp. p. 6-12). According to the manual, it's essential to prepare the substrate by layering it - the pots need a good drainage layer on the bottom before being filled with substrate. Another crucial rule is to water the plants from the top for the first 5-12 days after repotting and turning the system on only after they have rooted


aquavalve5 miniobr

The unique AQUAvalve5 technology provides the plants with the perfect amount of water using only the gravitational pressure in the tank. The needs of growers are ever evolving because of the newly emerging options of plant nutrition. To accommodate for this, AutoPot increased the diameter of the pipes and connectors. The wider pipes make the nutrient solution flow faster than before, heedless of the type of used fertiliser. It also lowers the risk of the pipes getting clogged (especially with organic nutrition, which contains larger particles and is usually unsuitable for hydroponics) and system maintenance requirements.

However, regularly cleaning the system makes it function properly and last longer. If you use organic fertilisers, don't forget that once the plants use up the contents of the nutrient solution tank, the whole system needs to be disconnected and thoroughly cleaned. The system doesn't need cleaning so often if you use mineral fertilisers.

Aquavalve anatomy

Hydroponics + AutoPot = joyful harvest

Before we introduce the individual AutoPot hydroponic systems made for easy and successful hydroponic cultivation, we would like to summarise their most significant benefits:

  • Enjoy healthier and stronger plants which get fresh nutrients at precisely the right time.
  • Forget daily watering. AutoPot systems can run by themselves for several weeks.
  • Economical operation without needing electricity. AutoPot systems don't need any electricity, pumps or timers.
  • Ecological sustainability. The system always fully uses the supplied water and nutrients.
  • Versatility. It's suitable for any herb, vegetable or fruit because the plant directs its own conditions. You can use any growing media or substrate, as long as it's well aerated and has good water retention. We highly recommend using a mix of perlite (or clay pebbles) with coco (or soil) in a ratio of 1:1.

Now that you know the main reasons why we and thousands of growers love the combination of hydroponics and the AutoPot brand, it's time to introduce individual products from their wide assortment of hydroponic solutions for every grower.

1Pot and 1Pot XL

We will begin by describing the 1Pot line, which has captured the hearts of indoor and urban growers in Great Britain and worldwide. The 1Pot modular self-watering systems are economical and uncomplicated.

The difference between the classic systems and the XL versions is in the volume and design of the flowerpots. AutoPot uses the angular 15l pots for the 1Pot system and the 25l pots with a round base for the extra large option.


One of the advantages of the 1Pot is that they're easy to use (similarly to the Easy2Grow systems described below), which makes them an excellent choice for those who are just getting started. And, because of their reliability and quality, they're a commonplace part of the equipment of experienced hydroponic growers aiming for superior yields and joyful harvests.

One of its main advantages - and the reason why professional growers favour the AutoPot 1Pot system - is how easy to expand they are. If you want to grow more plants, you can get an additional pot and connect it to the nutrient tank without disturbing the other plants - all you need is floor space. On the other hand, if something goes wrong and you need to remove a plant or two, you can disconnect any pot at any time.

In our opinion, this is their main charm. As a beginner grower, who needs to get a feel for the fundamental rules of hydroponics, you can get one or a few plants and a small tank. Once you get a taste for it, you can expand the system according to your needs by adding more flowerpots - even fifty or a hundred, if you get an appropriate tank. Commercial agricultural companies use even more pots than that in their AutoPot systems - the options are limited only by available space and funds. The pictures below illustrate the possibilities of these extremely popular modular systems. They show the customer favourite sets of four, twelve and forty-eight pots with appropriately sized FlexiTank reservoirs. 




The maintenance-free Easy2grow hydroponic systems, which operate using only gravity, are perfect for a grow tent, greenhouse, balcony or garden. They're the answer to the question of how to grow tasty strawberries, peppers and other fruits and vegetables without wasting a single drop of water. They're not the AutoPot global bestseller for nothing. 


Similarly to the 1Pot system, Easy2grow can expand according to the demands and experience of any grower. If you're a beginner, you can start with two or four pots and gradually increase the number of pots and flowers you have. The only limitation is that the number of flowerpots always has to be even because the basic model is for a pair of pots. The picture below shows the 6-pot easy2grow system, a bestseller favourite among our customers. The diagram on the right illustrates possible layouts.


What makes the AutoPot Easy2grow systems stand out?

  • Outstanding efficiency. The system fully uses the available space without stifling the plants when they grow into adults. At the same time, the AQUAvalve technology saves water and fertilisers by feeding and irrigating the plants only when they need it.
  • Versatility. You can change the number of connected pots as you please and choose between 8,5 l and 15l flowerpots to accommodate the crop.

Tray systems


We can briefly describe AutoPot Tray Systems as irrigation systems which maximise growth space and require minimal maintenance. 


This hydroponic system type is suitable for any part of the growth cycle. It's easy to tell these systems apart from other AutoPot systems because it consists of several pots in a single covered tray. Each tray has one AQUAvalve, which takes care of the irrigation. AutoPot makes three versions of the tray systems differing in the number of pots and the volume of the included tank, which has to be proportionate to the size of the crop:

1. AutoPot Auto3 (incl. 50L FlexiTank)
2. AutoPot Auto8 (incl. 100L FlexiTank)
3. AutoPot Auto9 (incl. 100L FlexiTank)

What are the advantages of the Tray System?

  • It uses 100% of the available space. Irrigating more pots in a single setup using one AQUAvalve significantly reduces the space requirements of the whole system. Use all the growing space you have without having to worry about accessing every individual plant and its saucer. AutoPot Tray Systems are an excellent way to use a smaller space.
  • Minimal operation and maintenance requirements. These reservoir systems irrigate without draining, so they don’t need any piping for waste - and they are more cost-effective and eco-friendly. Less piping means fewer valves and connectors, which makes cleaning the system less complicated and time-consuming. 
  • Designed for plant health. All the AutoPot Tray Systems have a base adjusted to minimise the amount of stale, unmoving water. All trays are covered to block light and prevent larger dirt particles from getting into the system.




Are you cultivating quick-growing plants or leaf vegetables? AutoPot has a new product line perfect for these crops and more! The AQUAplate allows users to grow plants without a substrate or a growing medium. Grant your plants the luxury to dip their roots directly into nutrient-rich water and flourish.

As you can see in the picture below, AQUAplate has two kinds of modules: round and square. Whatever option you pick, just connect the module to a tank containing a nutrient solution, and you can start cultivating! One of the advantages of the AQUAplate is, without a doubt, its price.



Using the AQUAplate system is very easy. First, insert the plant into the middle of the neoprene disc. Then, place the blue foam disc at the bottom of the provided mesh pot. The whole mesh pot fits into the white tray, and while the top of the plant sticks out, the roots stay below, submerged in the nutrient solution. Then you just connect the module to a tank with nutrient solution, and you’re ready to grow! 

Easy2GO kit

This cheap and versatile irrigation system, requiring only a minute for installation, can turn any tray or saucer into a self-sufficient AutoPot system in a snap!



  • Easy2Go can be easily installed anywhere - in a household, greenhouse, winter garden, or balcony.
  • The automatic irrigation system is a perfect way to keep your plants healthy and vital during the summer holidays - it's reliable and won't let the plants wilt for a second.
  • The Easy2Go is an ideal solution for growers who want to use large pots or easily maintain several smaller ones irrigated from a single nutrient solution tank.
  • The kit contains everything you need to set the system up and connect it to any water tank (as long as the tank has an opening for 16mm garden hoses).


FlexiTank and FlexiTank PRO

AutoPot also makes water tanks for their systems to complete their range of products. If you need a tank for a larger hydroponic system, definitely pick their FlexiTank. Why? Besides being a revolutionary way of storing (rain) water, it's a worldwide bestseller among storage tanks - which speaks for itself. Among the many qualities of these unique, versatile reservoirs, we must highlight these:

  • Light but durable frame and shell.
  • The assembly is easy and takes only a few minutes. The installation doesn't require any additional tools.
  • Flexible and foldable water container.
  • A wide array of sizes to fit any growing space. The versatile FlexiTanks are available in volumes from 25 to 1000L, and especially the smaller sizes (25L and 50L) can fit nearly any place where you might need a high-quality reservoir. The point of the FlexiTanks is to make any space large enough for an AutoPot hydroponic system. 


The more demanding customers favour the improved line FlexiTank Pro, which stands out by combining clean design, perfect form and functionality. The light colouring, the most recognisable characteristic of the professional FlexiTanks, provides even more opportunities for growers, regardless of the climate. This line of tanks is popular with professional outdoor growers, who praise it for its ability to keep the nutrient solution cool. The foldable FlexiTank PRO have the following features:

  • Stay cool - they are reflective and lightproof
  • Never stumble - Ultra-firm design and construction, which eliminates the risk of the tank tipping over
  • Always know where you stand - Internal capacity markings and hidden reinforcement (see picture below)
  • Even more compact - The folded tanks fit into a small box


The foldable FlexiTank PRO reservoirs are available in three sizes:

Keep the nutrient solution in the tank at optimal levels for up to a week longer!

Do you know about circulation pumps and wavemakers? Experienced growers can hardly imagine hydroponics without it. Besides preventing the nutrient solution from degrading, it also aerates it. If you want to water your plants with a nutrient solution and go on holiday for a few weeks, you might want to get an automatic pump which will stir things up every once in a while.


Original AutoPot accessories

Accessories by the British AutoPot are an inseparable part of the whole range of products for hydroponics cultivation. It includes gadgets and fittings for their effective hydroponic systems.


Number one choice for indoor and outdoor irrigation

To summarise, irrigation systems by AutoPot don't require any electricity to water and take care of your plants. They don't need expensive and bothersome pumps, timers or other devices to be fully self-sufficient - any AutoPot system can take care of your plants for several weeks without requiring any attention from the grower. All the systems need to work is gravity in the water tank, so unless you're growing plants on the moon or in space, you'll save a fortune on energy bills. Because of this, AutoPot gradually overtook the other market leaders. Growers, gardeners and professional farmers all around the world swear by the AutoPot systems and reliably get high yields every year.



The AutoPot AirDome is a small, cheap gadget which can make any AutoPot system even more effective by improving the aeration in the root zone. Using an AirDome can (in some crops) increase yields by up to 130%! Plus, you'll set it up in 30 seconds.


The British manufacturer of the AutoPot systems recommends the Dutch BioTabs fertilisers for any grower who prefers to feed their plants organically. BioTabs adds nutrients directly into the potting soil in the long term, which means you don't need to add any liquid fertilisers to the irrigation.

BioTabs products are unique on their own, plus they're perfect for AutoPot irrigation systems. The same applies to renowned brands like Canna or BioBizz. The British number one in the grow tent market - BudBox - also has a long-term partnership with AutoPot. Another partner of AutoPot is Lumatek - one of the leaders and biggest innovators manufacturing artificial lighting. Their top-shelf LED lights are the obvious choice for a light source for the grow tent.

We will gladly help you pick the right equipment (from the AutoPot range and many others) to fit your cultivation plans and needs. Simply contact us at info@higarden.eu, and we will answer any questions you might have.

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