Trolmaster Lighting Control Adapter T for ThinkGrow LED (LMA-T)
Code: N43229Product detailed description
TrolMaster's Hydro-x system can control most of the supplementary luminaires sold today. Most luminaire manufacturers provide the ability to control their lighting systems using what is known as low voltage control. This low voltage control can take many forms and communication protocols. TrolMaster manufactures several types of lighting adapters (LMA units) that allow the Hydro-x system to control luminaires using their low voltage control.
The LMA-T unit is specifically designed for ThinkGrow LED systems and provides dual-channel control, allowing separate control of the full spectrum and second level red output for ThinkGrow LEDs.
The LMA-T simply connects to the Line 1 and Line 2 lighting control ports on the HCS-1 system. Once connected, the user can then set individual on and off times and dimming settings for the full spectrum LEDs as well as the second red LEDs.
The LMA-T device is then connected to the RJ lighting control cables where the individual LEDs are connected back to the controller in a daisy chain configuration using plug-and-play connectors.
One adapter can control up to 256 ThinkGrow LEDs.
* A cable is included to convert the RJ12 to a waterproof connector.